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The #1 New York Gay Guide invites you to register your event. If you're planning a gay event in NYC simply fill out the form below to get maximum coverage and participation.

Event Information:
*Event Date: 
*Organization / Company: 
Phone Number: 
*Title of Event: 
Our Community Calendar reserves the right to edit for content and brevity
and is not responsible for content sent in error.
*Description of event: 
Venue Address 1: 
Venue Address 2: 
Zip Code: 
Starting Time:        Finishing Time: 
*Email Address: 

The following contact information is for referenceing purposes only and will NOT be published with your events listing. We invite you to be a part of Our Community Calendar Directory. Please indicate your inclusion below:

Contact Information:
Organization / Company: 
Contact First Name: 
Contact Last Name: 
Contact Title: 
Street Address 1: 
Street Address 2: 
State:       Zip Code: 
Phone Number: 
Email Address: 
Yes, please place me on the Online Community Directory subject to your approval and edits.
Yes, please include me on the printed Community Calendar subject to your approval and edits.
Check if you would like to add a link on your website to Our Community Calendar.
Check if you would like Our Community Calendar to link to your website.
Thank You!
Our Community Calendar