3 x 3 KY CO CA
Three cities in three days! You guessed it I couldn’t use my bike.
Gay Pride week at the University of Louisville this year highlighted the L of LGBTQQ and they asked this old L to be there. Their strong LGBT group organized a fabulous flash mob in the student cafeteria complete with rainbow streamers and queer-eography, a queer women’s health discussion, my presentation, a drag show and rally. It was completely inspiring. From the state that brings us Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul – fabulous young LGBT organizers and allies! Watch out!
It looked like Old Homo Week at the Boulder Theater. Nona Gandleman back in action in Boulder as head of Maven Productions brought me to CO with the newly rebranded OUT BOULDER. Their re-energized board has lots of ideas to extend their gang’s progressive reach into Boulder County and beyond. I hydrated properly, went to an OUT BOULDER reception after the show. We all danced to Lady Gaga!
The show at the Marines Memorial Theater in SF also brought out old friends and new faces. The theater is a jewel from 1926 in a building that used to be home to WACS and WAVES from WWII. I swear there were girl ghosts back stage. And I have no idea how it came to pass that that woman from West Virginia ended up wearing my sequined bra but that’s how things go sometimes. I got it back.
Off to AARP in Orlando!