(Your Public Parks of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens &, See website for show locations and times! , New York, NY) (See website schedule for showtimes!) New York's renowned, acclaimed, award-winning, astounding one-and-only CIRCUS AMOK! presents it's 2008 FREE extravaganza: "SUB-PRIME SUBLIME." Dorothy clicks her heels -- but there's no going home! She's the newest victim of predatory lending! In "SUB-PRIME SUBLIME," all manner of mysteries are revealed as atoms smash and crash, spiraling past hulahoopers, headstanders and hairstylists! Stunning stilters, Tenanacious Tenants, Fantastical Free-Falling Free Markets, Querelous Quarks, Neurotic Neutrons and the Spirit of Sylvester come together to help us all find our ways home, home, home from the tornado of foreclosure and debt! SEE WWW.CIRCUSAMOK.ORG FOR SHOW LOCATIO (FREE!!) (718-486-7432) [email protected] Event Website Note: this event runs September 6 - 8, 10, 12 - 14, 17, 19 - 21, 24, and 26 - 28