Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, the family patriarch. After Robertson made homophobic and racially insensitive comments in his interview with GQ A&E temporarily suspended him. But that was really short lived as A&E has since lifted his suspension. Robertson’s remarks reflect the views of an American cultural subset the GOP. His suspension made him a tribune of modern conservatism. Conservative Republicans (not just opportunists like Sarah Palin, but party standard-bearers) felt impelled to rally to his side without actually echoing anything Robertson said. A&E is obviously more concerned about its bottom line then human right and equality.
Fact …. Duck Dynasty broke the season finale of AMC’s “Breaking Bad” in ratings. It’s really sad that we live in a country that has so many people that align with Robertson’s beliefs. Here’s the topper to the Duck Dynasty story.
Yesterday the gun maker Mossberg announced they are teaming up with the Duck Commander (Phil Robertson) to produce a line of nine different shotguns, as well as two semiautomatic rifles and a semiautomatic pistol.