Ted Cruz will more then likely receive the GOP nomination because of his on stand against Obamacare. This guy is dangerous. The Republicans have created a new mantra …Obamacare is making America into a nation of part time jobs. A statement that is absolutely false as proven by the Dept of Labor statistics…OH hello… these guys have fail to mention that FdEx, UPS and many more companies have used the ”less then 30 hours” to deny their employees health benefits way before Obama was even elected to the Senate. Cruz thinks he’s more intelligent, more principled, more right than pretty much everyone else in Washington. Barbara Boxer likened him to “Joe McCarthy” because during the Hagel’s conformation hearings Cruz without a shred of evidence insinuated that Hagel, a fellow Republican, was on the take from America’s enemies.
When I started this newsletter I had Bush… than I moved on to Palin ….than Romney…NOW CRUZ!! American never ceases to provide comics with great material.