I received a number of emails this week asking questions concerning Medicare. Medicare is confusing. I’ve had an MIT professor that even after 45 minutes of me trying to explain Medicare he still didn’t understand.


In dealing with the senior population for the past 4 years I’ve seen a common thread…most of us don’t realize that someday we are going to be old! We’ll probably live a lot longer then we expected…how long could we afford to live? A federal government study shows that the number of people over the age of 85 is the fastest growing segment of the American population. Living to 100 is becoming increasingly more common, in 1950, there were approximately 3,000 American centenarians and by 2050, there could be nearly 1 million. The over 80 population is projected to increased by 233 percent by 2040.


Something that I’ve run into with the “Woodstock” generation is that many of them wanted to beat the government and worked “off the books”. They paid little or nothing into Social Security and are now receiving a minimal amount in their monthly Social Security check.


Most of the LGBT community face different challenges then our heterosexual counterparts. Most of us don’t have children…a majority live alone.


Here are some questions you might ask yourself:


Are you saving enough to retire?


Are you prepared for a catastrophe?


What will my retirement look like?


To be continued…



It’s mind boggling that this guy continued cybersexting to women even after he resigned from Congress. The website The Dirty had another woman’s story, another round of sex texts, and another picture of Mr. Weiner’s penis. The startling news was that this new round apparently took place last summer.

Anthony has a great name…WEINER! Talk about lack of judgment, lack of respect for his wife and lack of discretion. The guy is really a shumck ….a shmendrik….a putz!!


Anthony Weiner is an addict and he needs to be working a 12 Step Program for his addiction. Anyone whose life has been touched by addiction by one’s self or family-member/friend’s abuse of drugs or alcohol or sexually deviant behavior knows that it is not unusual at all for an “addict” to continue the behavior they are trying to change even when they are trying to recover from it. Weiner has revealed himself as a man who remains in the throes of his addiction, fully in denial and, most definitely not in recovery. Relapse is not unusual. This past week Corey Monteith over dosed one month out of rehab.


Mr. Weiner you there’s seat in Sexual Compulsives Anonymous with your name on it!!








Is this country going backward? Texas past a law that would close all but 5 of its abortion clinics. Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina have all past anti-abortion bills. Of course the votes cast were by MEN! Even though women are protesting the men voted….state by state a women’s right to choose is disappearing as well as women loosing access to low-cost family planning services, access to public hospitals during a health emergency and their right to privacy.


In Texas more than 3,500 people went to the Capitol and registered a position on the bill and more than 1,100 signed up to testify. Less than 100 people had a chance to express their views because the top Republican on the committee limited testimony to eight hours and refused to extend it. Remember Roe vs Wade the landmark decision by the Supreme Court on the issue of abortion? That was January, 1973!! The Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion. What’s happened that decision?


Why am I bringing up abortion? One, I’m really pissed that a women’s right to choose in so many states is in jeopardy and that these same governors down the road will state by state may challenge the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned DOMA.


Sometimes I get really excited about all the progress we have made towards equality….then I realize that it could be tenuous. The ignorance that
permeates in these states scares me. Personally there are states that I wouldn’t mind if they left and formed their own country! I often wish that NYC would become its own country!



And now we have Spitzer in the race. The Mayoral Race just got a little bit more interesting with Elliot Spitzer re-entering politics. Weiner and Spitzer two guys that didn’t know what to do with their weiners!


Many gay men spend a lot of time cruising the web, cruising bars and just cruising 8th Ave in search of one thing ….SEX! Why should straight men be any different? I certainly don’t condone the way either Weiner or Spitzer handle their situations….but people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks!


South Carolina sent Sanford back to Washington as a Congressman. There’s a guy who went off the radar out of the country on taxpayer’s money…and he gets elected to Congress.


The Late Night comedians are having a field day …Leno… “Imagine if they both win. The city could be run by the Peter Tweeter and the Hooker Booker.”


Spitzer and Weiner were two of the state’s best-known and most driven politicians before their respective downfalls. Do we look at what their potential could be if elected or do we just chuck them because they don’t know what to do with their wiener!


This will be a VERY interesting primary…maybe this is what it will take to make people come out AND vote.

