I don’t own a car but when I did I would go to any length to avoid getting my gas at an Exxon Mobil station. It’s time that we started a nationwide boycott for LGBT Americans and our allies to know you never ever stop to get gas at Exxon/Mobil.
Today is their annual shareholders meeting and for the 14th consecutive year the issue of job discrimination based on sexual orientation is on the agenda. While 88 percent of Fortune 500 companies have adopted written nondiscrimination policies Exxon Mobil has moved further from the mainstream. Exxon Mobil ranks last in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality index of the Fortune 1000 corporations, with a score of negative 25 out of a possible 100. The first company to have ever received a negative score from HRC.
Freedom to Work (nonprofit LGBT worker advocacy group), submitted fake resumes for two women for an administrative assistant position at Exxon’s Patoka, Ill., office. Only one got a request for a follow-up interview. Freedom to Work filed a complaint because of one particular item on the resume set the second applicant apart. Applicant one volunteered as a secretary for a feminist group, while applicant two served as a treasurer for a local chapter of the Victory Fund, a gay-rights organization. There were also significant differences between the two resumes the LGBT resume was stronger and better qualified for the position than the non-LGBT resume she also had a higher grade point average, more advanced office skills, a higher ranking previous position with a greater level of responsibility, and a longer work history…..but they don’t discriminate!
They also have no benefits for domestic partners and when they acquired Mobil they demanded that those benefits be dropped. A company that has gone to such lengths to avoid equality for LGBT employees shouldn’t be getting our hard earn dollars.
So as I said why are people still buying gas at Exxon Mobil??